create Rabbitats to house and control feral rabbit colonies.Sorelle Saidman/Rabbitats Canada


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  • To humanely house and control feral rabbit colonies in 'rabbitats'

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Large numbers of homeless feral/domestic rabbits can be safely, securely and happily housed in outdoor 'rabbitats' built in conjunction with animal shelters, pet rescues, institutions or on private land under the care of responsible citizens. The non-native domestic bunnies are a problem for municipalities, businesses and neighbourhoods forced to deal with environmentally destructive natural behaviour like chewing and burrowing. It’s a tragedy for the loose bunnies as they will most likely be killed by predators, parasites, sport hunters or trappers hired for ‘pest control’ (the current situation at the University of Victoria).  Rabbitats Canada can help build affordable colony housing for anywhere from six to 60 sterilized rabbits at a time and educate new rabbit guardians on low maintenance and sustainable care. Controlled rabbit populations can replace feral colonies. Flexible designs range from fully enclosed outdoor pens to properly fenced open-air pastures.

Community Benefit

Rural areas are dealing with abandoned meat or breeder rabbits while cities contend with former pets and their feral offspring turned loose in parks and other public areas as well as on private land. British Columbia is particularly affected because of the mild climate, but the problem is national and ever-expanding as bunnies become more popular as pets. The rapidly reproducing rabbits can cause major damage to crops and gardens and the burrows can injure horses and other animals. Humans are also at risk for these injuries and rabbit waste is an uncomfortable addition to any area. But the rabbits' removal is always a very contentious community issue. Few want to see the gentle, friendly creatures destroyed. The 'Rabbitats' model offers a humane solution that can bring communities together rather than tear them apart.

How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: $5500 is required to spay/neuter the rabbits. This will be covered by community donations and donated services by veterinarians.
$ 11,000 fencing and building supplies
$ 10,000 used truck/transporter
$ 3,700 insurance, gas and maitenance
$ 300 office supplies, printing, etc.

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