Assist South Asian families impacted by autism in the GTARohan George


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  • Provide ABA therapy for 20 kids to help them learn life skills
  • Train parents on how to reinforce these therapies at home
  • Provide English classes for parents to navigate mental health system
  • Reinforce what is learned at therapy sessions through volunteers
  • Hold information sessions to educate and inform the community


Raising a child with a mental disability is a challenging endeavor. Raising a child with a mental disability in a foreign land in a culture that shuns such disabilities is an even more challenging one. Our project "Let's Grow Together" is a coordinated response to the dire need for more intervention in South Asian families impacted by autism. While providing life altering therapies for the children we plan to simultaneously support parents in learning English, connect with resources in the community and bring awareness to the community at large so that these children will have a brighter future. We are targetting the South Asian community because there has been an observed need for more intervention, however, we do not discriminate against other races to assist them. Through the therapies we will provide we hope to encourage independence in the children we work with, leadership skills in the volunteers that are working with them and awareness in the community at large to dispel myths.

Community Benefit

The South Asian community is the largest visible minority in the Greater Toronto Area and bringing awareness to this community that neglects mental health issues will benefit the community at large. Providing ABA therapy for kids today is a preventitive measure so that they are not reliant upon the state in their adult years. This project will not only benefit the South Asian community as we will not discriminate in the children we take in. The more we speak with diverse communities the more we realize there is a real need for more awareness about autism and related disorders in multiple communities across the GTA. We will do our best to bring awareness to these communities and educate them about autism and mental health issues at large.

How will the $10K be used?

$ 8,000 To Provide ABA therapy
$ 1,000 To put on information sessions in the community
$ 1,000 to purchase evaluation software to track progress in the children

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