Provide schools with soccer skills to inspire children to be activePrince George Youth Soccer Association


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  • Provide approximately 1800 students with basic soccer skills
  • To include teachers in drills with our trained Technical Coaches
  • Distribute 42 soccer balls for 6 schools to keep


Project Summary:
"Kick'n Soccer in School" teaches children new skills and develops confidence, cooperation and encourages physical activity.  PGYSA's Technical Director plus 2 coaches from our Technical Team deliver the Kick'n Soccer project to 6 schools.  Our Tech Team ensures the training is educational, age appropriate and fun.  The PGYSA coaches attend each school for 3 full school days, giving each grade approximately 1 hour of training daily.  Each day's training builds on the skills learned the day before and ends with a fun scrimmage where the children incorporate their new skills into a game setting.
* 6 schools in the Prince George area (focus on inner city and/or rural) receive the project
* 1200-1800 children receive soccer specific training
* Each school receives 7 soccer balls (one for each grade: 1-7)
* Mentions in local newspapers, radio, TV, at WHL Prince George Cougar's hockey games, in school and PGYSA newsletters, and PGYSA website

Community Benefit

One legacy from this project is teachers can incorporate the soccer drills into their physical education curriculum. Another is that once students know the basic skills they can play anytime, anywhere; all they need for equipment is a ball. In BC the child poverty level is 19.6% and many children do not have the opportunity to join a league. Additionally the overweight/obesity rate in youth has doubled over the past decade making it extremely important to provide the training to inspire children to get moving. In addition to the legacy of learning new skills, each school will receive one soccer ball per grade (7 balls per school). Donating balls to the schools ensures the teachers and children have the necessary equipment to implement the soccer skills they have been taught. Soccer is a team sport and learning how to work collaboratively with others is a valuable skill. Having fun while being active will build the students' confidence and promote an active for life attitude.

How will the $10K be used?

$ 8,955 3 Coaches Wages/Transporation Costs
$ 630 42 soccer balls
$ 415 Equipment/Overhead

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