host a concert to make the dreams of critically ill children come trueShort Circuit Dream Fund (SCDF)


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  • To raise a large amount of money for the Short Circuit Dream Fund;
  • To make many more dreams come true;
  • Engage the youth of the province of Newfoundland & Labrador;
  • Create a youth-focused fundraiser that can continue for years to come.

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The Short Circuit Dream Fund was started by a youth, helps youth, is intended to be run by youth, and focuses on fundraisers that will engage youth.

Our plan is to host a major concert at Mile One Centre in St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada.  We hope by bringing in some major, popular acts that the youth of the province will see exactly who we, the Short Circuit Dream Fund, are.  We are a registered Canadian charity -- and organization -- that the province of Newfoundland & Labrador should be proud of.

With this idea as a success, our dream of a concert can come true -- a dream that will make the dreams of so many critically ill children come true.  This $100,000 grant would create in input of up to another $200,000 into the charity's funding account, allowing us to make these dreams happen.

Community Benefit

SCDF makes the dreams of critically ill children come true. These are dreams that will make their everyday life just a little less painful, and a lot more fun. So far, the dreams that we have fulfilled have changed the lives of these children, their entire families, and has made a huge mark in some communities. The funding brought in from this project will ensure that this happens over, and over again.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 100,000 Cover all upfront costs.

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