The Ekuus Center: a peaceful harbour thanks to you!Fondation Ekuus


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  • To help young girls who have been sexually abused to live again.


The first Ekuus Center will accomodate sexually abused young ladies, aged 12 to 18 (High School), for free. The Ekuus Center will greet 32 girls at a time. Therapies will last 3 months. Therefore, The Ekuus Center will host 130 girls per year. However, once opened, The Ekuus Center will be permanent. Accordingly, thousands of girls will benefit from it. The psychologists and professional caregivers of The Ekuus Center will administer psychotherapy facilitated mainly by horses but also through various processes such as art, writing, martial arts and horticultural therapy.

Community Benefit

According to Canadian reports, 1 child out of 4, in Quebec, is a victim of sexual abuse. Women who have been sexually assaulted or abused are eight times more likely to attempt suicide and five times more likely to suffer a nervous breakdown than women who have not been sexually assaulted. Several studies have revealed that teenagers who have been victims of sexual assault develop other disorders such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress, dissociative disorder, low self-esteem, somatization, sexual problems, prostitution, aggressiveness, relational problems, drug and alcohol abuse and dropping out of school. But, thanks to The Ekuus Center, young girls will reclaim the dignity that has been taken away from them and they will find their place amidst society. Hence, we prevent the consequences linked to the trauma.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 100,000 Operation of The Ekuus Center

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