help keep music alive in schools across CanadaMusiCounts


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  • To keep music alive in schools across Canada

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Each Year, dozens of schools across Canada benefit from the Band Aid musical instrument grant program, which provides musical instrument grants to schools whose music programs have great potential yet are in need of funding to ensure their sustained growth.

The grants impact thousands of young Canadians and support diverse music programs that include concert and jazz bands to drum and guitar ensembles from Pre K to Grade 12 in elementary, junior high, and high schools in urban, rural, remote and First Nations communities from coast to coast.

Band Aid Grants are awarded to elementary, secondary and separate schools in Canada and are selected based on economic need; inventory and condition of instruments; number of students; dedication of school staff; and overall impact the grant would make within the school community.


Community Benefit

Students have learned how to play traditional music on traditional instruments, and thus, they have connected even better with their parents and grandparents. Students are performing on their own at various community events and get-togethers, e.g. Folk festivals. Students are taking lessons at school, and taking the instruments home. Community music groups have borrowed Band Aid purchased instruments for their performances as well as auditions for post secondary music programs.

How will the $25K be used?

$ 25,000 Towards 3-5 MusiCounts Band Aid Grants to schools across Canada

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