Support the Child Life Department at the Stollery Children's HospitalStollery Children's Hospital Foundation


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  • To raise funds for the Child Life Department

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"Support the Child Life Department"
The objective of the Child Life Department is to provide and maintain a consistent program for youth in the hospital. Child Life Specialists are experts in child development; they promote effective coping through play, preparation, education and self-expression activities with the goal of normalizing and lessening the trauma of hospitalization. Skilled Child Life Specialists often service specialty areas like the emergency department, surgical and intensive care units, and inpatient and outpatient units. The Child Life Department recognizes the importance of acknowledging the child and the family through all stages of hospitalization and illness. By adding special family and play rooms, introducing activities like movie nights and craft time, opening a teen room for peer interaction, providing electronics and games, supplying bereavement support, and much more, the Child Life Department helps patients and families cope.

Community Benefit

Each year more than 150,000 patients visit the Stollery Children's Hospital from northern Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut. While some hospital visits are planned,70% of patients admitted are urgent, emergent or non-scheduled. All children who visit the Stollery have access to staff and programs supplied by the Child Life Department. Funding from this project would allow Child Life to purchase props like "Patient Puppets" to demonstrate pre-op procedures to children before they undergo them, buy a new LCD projector for movie nights, or replace outdated and broken items in the play rooms. They could purchase items for children who are confined to their rooms such as gaming systems and age appropriate toys, or buy puzzles, hospital grade electronics and accessories, craft supplies, birthday gifts, mobiles, infant seats, play sets, cameras, printers, family comfort fund items...the list goes on and on.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 25,000 Hospital grade electronics and accessories
$ 15,000 "Puppet Patients", coping items and teaching equipment
$ 25,000 art supplies, celebration items, memory items for end of life care
$ 15,000 replacment equipment - toys, tables, chairs
$ 20,000 staffing to extend hours of teen room and other family areas

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