Connect ArtistsAnthony Walsh


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  • Upgrade and maintain our studio
  • Organize a fun multi-community event that supports local artists
  • Connect Montreal's diverse artistic communities
  • Reward our loyal members and fans

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After three years, we have become Montreal's top place for artists and enthusiasts to get together, socialize and practice their figure drawing skills, and now we want to improve and expand in the following ways:

1) Upgrade our studio's equipment and lighting, backdrop, stage, props, drapery and costumes for models, audio-visual system and make aesthetic improvements to enhance the atmosphere.

2) Based on our members' top suggestions: organize and fund a multi-community artistic event which brings together Montreal's visaul arts, music and dance communities and directly supports local artists. This will be a big event with great local musicians, dancers, models and visual artists. There will be live model drawing, music and dancing.

3) Improve our marketing to expand our outreach to Montreal's somewhat disconnected artistic communities.

How will the $25K be used?

$ 20,000 Studio upgrades, maintenance and other studio-related costs
$ 2,000 Marketing
$ 3,000 Directly support local artists and fund multi-community event

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