improve the lives of families affected by ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)A.L.S.O. - The ALS Objective


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  • To raise awareness about ALS
  • To establish scholarship funds for children of ALS patients
  • To improve the quality of life of families affected by ALS
  • To connect families and children affected by ALS and provide support
  • To empower and support children of ALS patients

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Aiming to work with ALS Society of Canada and ALS Ontario, our mission is to support A.L.S patients and their families so that they may achieve and maintain the quality of life that they and their families deserve. Our focus is on providing support in everyday life, to mitigate the long-term effects of living with a terminal illness. Long-term goals are to establish foundations and funds that specifically focus on the family system. All children deserve the opportunity to enjoy their childhood along with their family and we will not let A.L.S take that away.  Scholarship funds, family vacation funds, caregiver relief and respite, and family fun nights are all in our long-term plan.  We understand the financial burden of caring for a relative with A.L.S. and endeavor to provide funds specifically geared to family quality of life, so that every family has an opportunity to spend a night together, not as a caregiver or patient, but as a child, sibling, and parent.

How will the $10K be used?

$ 1,000 startup costs - registration as a nonprofit, advertisements
$ 2,000 Family fun day event to connect families and introduce A.L.S.O
$ 2,500 support for ALS Canada Youth Engagement Retreat
$ 4,000 startup funds for family scholarships
$ 100 develop survey to establish community needs (photocopy, postage, etc)
$ 400 funds for support group and youth respite outings

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