provide 500 bikes to high risk youth in the Greater Toronto AreaAfricycle


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  • Provide 500 High Risk Youth with bicycles

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Project Summary:

This project will allow Africycle to work with youth and community members to refurbish bicycles and deliver them to 500 High Risk Youth throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Beneficiaries, identified by local Social Programs, will benefit from the freedom and mobility of a bicycle. Providing those less fortunate with a bicycle will nurture a positive psychological environment and encourage physical activity and healthy lifestyles in high risk situations.


500 bicycles to identified, high-risk youth
Bicycle Safety Rodeo for all benficiaries
Promotion of environmentally friendly and healthy lifestyles

Community Benefit

Programming will provide youth and community members with mechanical training and an opportunity to become involved in positive, social change. Project will recycle bikes, reducing waste to landfills and carbon imprint of manufacturing, all the while promoting green transportation. Bicycle donations will provide a positive input into the lives of low-income and high risk youth, engaging them in healthy and positive, physical activities.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 75,000 Youth Programming/Bicycle Refurbishment
$ 10,000 Bike Safety Rodeo
$ 8,000 Marketing
$ 7,000 Management/Administration

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