develop our programs to prevent heart disease, obesity and depression.Lina Barreto - Studio Bamboofit


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  • To raise at least $5000 to be able to purchase the equipment needed.
  • To raise awareness about: Heart disease, obesity, depression & stress.
  • To add a nutrition program and 4 more fitness classes.

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At Studio Bamboofit we fully believe in preventive care.  A combination of a balanced nutritional plan and exercise routine will help our students gain and maintain a healthy body and mind. We currently have a successful group-fitness exercise program which has helped our students achieved their personal goals.

However, we've noticed that we need to develop our fitness program by adding classes that help not only to the endurance of our students, but also their strength and flexibility. At the same time, we would like to integrate the fitness program with a nutrition plan.

Studio Bamboofit is located in downtown Montreal. We're planning to add the classes and nutrition program as soon as possible. Our fitness instructors will get the training needed before then and we are already looking for some good nutritionists to join our team. Despite these efforts, we need funding to purchase all the equipment needed.

Thank you for your support

How will the $10K be used?

Budget Notes: This budget does not cover inventory for sale, contractors' salaries, studio rent and training.
$ 10,000 to purchase equipment for the studio such: stage risers, weights, mats

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