Bridge Project at Bissell Centre to offer resources to less fortunate.Bissell Centre


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  • To help bring positive change to the lives of community members
  • To engage community members in meaningful activities and programs
  • To extend hours of service and offer additional resources
  • To offer programs which will help participants gain employment
  • To offer programs which will help participants secure housing


The Bridge Project is an innovative approach to service delivery and is consistent with the promising practices for drop-in services.  It is designed to provide a bridge for individuals living on the streets to programs and services that will help them attain a healthy, productive and safe lifestyle.  This approach engages community members in a more proactive, focused manner and builds the relationships that can support their transition away from street life to a stable lifestyle.  Providing meaningful activities is seen in best practice models as a step in the path to economic and community re-integration for homeless people. 

Currently the services offered; such as food, washrooms and showers meet the basic needs of community members.  The Bridge Project will offer workshops focused on literacy, numeracy and technology which will not only build confidence but will assist with reducing employment and housing barriers.

How will the $25K be used?

$ 25,000 Program Coordinator/Adult Educator staff salary and programming costs

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