Increase our seniors freedom and options by installing an elevatorCariboo Home Society (operating Cariboo Manor)


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  • Provide an elevator to renew our residents' independence.

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Most of our residents use walkers to increase their mobility.  They cannot, however, access our basement where we have a large activity and recreation room, suitable for social functions, a fully equipped kitchen, and storage rooms.  We have a suffleboard, tables for crafts and puzzles, an area for socializing and exercise equipment, none of which our seniors can use without a lot of assistance.  We hold fundraising events in the basement and families will host celebrations in the activity room, but the residents often don't participate as they have difficulty getting there.  Entertainment is currently held in our dining room.  Tables are moved, extra chairs brought in, but the room is crowded.   An elevator will allow each resident to individually and independently become involved in any activity they choose to attend in any area of their home.  This preserves their dignity and encourages them to be actively involved in all functions.

How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: In 2009, we obtained an estimate for the installation of an elevator in the amount of $35,000.00. This included the elevator, labour for installation, and BCSA submissions. It did not include shaft construction or electrical supply.
$ 25,000 apply towards installation of an elevator

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