Creating a network of bicycle paths in the Municipality of Matapedia Véloroute Desjardins de La Matapédia


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  • Increase physical activity and improve safety for cyclists

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The main goal of this project is to start the development of phase II of the Matapedian stretch of the bicycle pathways network of the Green road, a stretch of 113.15 kilometres. This will be an important bicycle touring option between the MRC of La Mitis and the route developed along the Saint-Laurent seaway and the Gaspésie and the bicycle pathway in the Baie-des-Chaleurs. The project will have a direct impact on eight (8) municipalities : Saint-Moïse, Sayabec, Val-Brillant, Amqui, Lac-au-Saumon, Causapscal, Sainte-Florence and Routhierville.

The present request for financial aid exclusively targets specifically phase II of the development project. Construction costs are estimated at roughly $3,000,000 for a distance of 35.40 kilometres.

Community Benefit

The project will promote an increase in physical activity and active transportation, reduce negative impacts on the environment caused by cars and it will attract a new touristic clientèle thus increasing the revenues produced by this sector.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 100,000 Development of bikeways

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