Decks For Disabled - Seats for SeniorsJane Danielson


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  • Specially designed Beach Decks For Disabled
  • Special Seating on special designed decks For Seniors

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Decks for Disabled and Seats For Seniors is a straightforward Plan to provide 6-8 special decks, or viewing platforms for the physically disabled and seniors.
Think of taking your best friend to the beach get only to the parking lot, or your Taking your grandparents but have to stay in the car they can’t even see the water


  1.  To actualize this important mission, BFA will create this unique viewing platforms.
  2. We do so by identifying human needs unique to the disabled and seniors, bringing them to light, and actualizing real world solutions for those needs.
  3. We are  absolutely committed to ensuring the highest quality of life too often denied to people with physical disabilities. We do so by identifying human needs unique to the disabled, and seniors

The simple enjoyment of “going to the beach” should be available for everyone and with Decks for Disabled, Seats for Seniors it will happen and hopefully snowball across the country

Community Benefit

For the physically disabled and seniors who have mobility issues and they can enjoy going to the beach.. Simple, straight forward

How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: will not cover adm costs
$ 80,000 Actual Constructions of special decks
$ 15,000 -Design plans
$ 5,000 Obtaining all permits

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