engage 'at risk' youth via community outreach snowboard intervention.Dan Doherty


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  • to engage 'at risk' youth in positive community action
  • to create & strengthen linkages between youth and their communities
  • to provide the opportunity of learning to snowboard
  • to offer group counselling in a unique environment
  • to highlight the strenghts of each participant


The 'Get on Board' initiative would allow youth who are considered 'at risk' due to mutiple factors, such as: mental health issues, addiction issues, youth identified as at 'risk' via the education system, child welfare system, or the youth criminal justice system  to participate in a positive and character building group activity.

The program would teach youth to snowboard over a 3-5 day period, as well as offer group counseeling and self reflection. Youth would be encouraged to share new learning with other participants, and to relate this learning to circumstances in their lives, both the individual and group participants would discuss possible alternatives and/or solutions to the identified issue.

At the community level the participants would be responsible for offering 2hrs of their time to a community organization (such as food bank or seniors centre) as part of the program criteria.


Community Benefit

The possible community benefits would include: increase in youth engagement in positive social behavior, increase in youth community involvement- increase in community pride, and developing a positive 'sense of place' for youth within their communities. The benefits for the community would be endless, many of which will not be known at present, due to unique characteristics of the possible youth participants.

How will the $10K be used?

$ 10,000 program start up, maintenance and evaluation

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