Use Technology to Increase Graduation Rates among Aboriginal YouthHumza and Waleed Nusrat


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  • Provide a tutoring service to Aboriginal Youth, free of charge
  • Give high school students a place to earn volunteer hours as tutors
  • Increase graduation rates among Aboriginal Youth
  • Build a youth network, allowing students to seek and provide support

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Okay, so here's how it works: academically strong high school students (that are looking for volunteer hours) are paired up with Aboriginal Youth that are at risk of not graduating. The funding will be used to purchase netbooks (with built-in webcams), and these mini laptops will be given to the schools at which graduation rates are the lowest (among Aboriginal Youth). The student will tell us what subject(s) he/she needs help with, and they will be paired up with a student/tutor that is strong in that subject.

The netbooks will be given to the school of the student (at risk of not graduating), and tutoring sessions will be conducted at school.

Similarly, the school of the tutor will be given a webcam and mic, which they can hook up to one of the school computers. This will ensure that tutoring sessions are supervised and that the students stay on topic.

Sessions will be approximatly 1 hour long, and will take place every 2 weeks during the school year.

How will the $10K be used?

$ 8,000 20 Netbooks (Approx. $400 each)
$ 500 Webcams and Mics
$ 750 Mobile Internet Sticks (for areas that don't have internet access)
$ 500 Website, Advertising, etc.
$ 250 Any supplies that the students require (books, paper, pens, etc)

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