Creating a Youth Orientation Web Portal Patricia Lavallée -Destination Carrière


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  • Create a specialized youth orientation portal
  • Provide information and varied, valid, and objective content
  • Promote partnerships between schools and companies (one-day internships)
  • Become THE reference site for career development in Quebec
  • Encourage teens to stay in school

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This specialized orientation portal presents varied, valid, and objective content geared towards teens wishing to explore their professional options. Career development information, news, resources and partner organizations are compiled on a dynamic, interactive, and user-friendly site. It is the starting-point for self-discovery and self-awareness, and for learning about careers and training programs. It is also a way for high school students to connect with companies by applying for their one-day internships. What if a company were to mark out a promising young talent and encourage him or her to stay in school? And what if that job opportunity were to motivate the student graduate and to work in one of the companies?

How will the $10K be used?

Budget Notes: Ultimately, referencing, traffic flow, advertisement, and partnerships will generate sufficient revenue to create jobs.
$ 1,500 Site development functional analysis/project specification
$ 7,000 Site creation/hosting/referencing/promotion
$ 1,500 Documentation and travel expenses for visits to schools, partners, and companies

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