help parents and their kids excel at managing their money.Bryan Sommer


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  • To teach parents and their kids how to excel at managing money
  • To create an online interactive training program for Canadians
  • To have 5,000 Canadian parents complete the online training program


Project Summary
Discussions about money are often neglected in school, and when parents aren’t properly educated about money they fail to discuss these important lessons with their kids.  This project looks to provide fundamental money management principles to parents, so they can fill the gaps in our school system, and teach their kids the necessary essentials of money management. 

-Create an online interactive educational program for parents that focuses on the core money management principles they should be passing on to their kids.
-Reach over 5,000 Canadian parents within the first year.

Community Benefit

When parents are educated about money they are able to pass this knowledge on to their kids (by example). When parents and their kids learn how to properly manage money they have less stress in their life and are able to live in their higher self. A person that properly manages their money is able to give back to their community with time and money.

How will the $5K be used?

$ 1,000 Advertising
$ 4,000 Creating content and developing an online platform
$ 0

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