improve the quality of life for those living homeless on the streets.Make Treks Like Im Homeless


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  • To improve the quality of life for those people living homeless.


*make Treks Like Im Homeless is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for those people living homeless on the streets. This is done using our 4-step program:

1. Video interviews are conducted with people living homeless on the streets.
2. These interviews are then uploaded to our website for the public to watch.
3. Money is raised through online advertising, private donations and product sales.
4. 100% of our profits are given back to those people giving the original interviews in the form of our gift package which includes food and clothing. 

 This is an extremely unique organization that relies on the power of social media for its success and raises money through raising awareness. As *make treks like im homeless builds and profits increase so to will our gift packages for our homeless interviewees; the eventual goal being to provide housing and jobs for people living homeless on the streets.

Community Benefit

*make treks like im homeless will benefit those individuals living homeless on the streets by raising money through raising awareness. The online world will learn from these interviews and at the same time raise money for the very people they are watching.

How will the $10K be used?

$ 5,000 Adverting and promotion
$ 1,000 Website development
$ 4,000 Gift packages for interviewees

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