Purchasing a Minibus for the St-Honoré Youth Center Maison des jeunes de Saint-Honoré


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  • Saving over 500$ in transportation costs
  • Using an environmentally-friendly public transport

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The purchase of a minibus would allow the Youth Center to bring the teens on different outings, such as: plays, summer festivals, shows and performances, movies, Valcartier Vacation Village, La Ronde. Presently, the Center’s organizers drive the teens in their own cars, which is far from ideal. In fact, some parents are not comfortable with this mode of transportation and will not let their children take part in our activities. In sum, purchasing a minibus would be an excellent long-term investment for the Center.

How will the $25K be used?

$ 20,000 Purchase of a minibus
$ 2,000 Driver’s licence, vehicle registration, and insurance costs Gas
$ 3,000 Gas

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