"Modernizing our fossils"Centre thématique fossilifère


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  • 1. Provide a new animation for the existing exhibit
  • 2. Incorporate electronic materials into exhibit components

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The Centre Thématique Fossilifère (CTF) has designed a modernization project and important additions to our permanent exhibit at a total cost of $255,150. Two grants have been confirmed: $183,150 from the ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition Féminine du Québec and $22,000 from the ministère du Tourisme du Québec. But the ministries require an investment of $55,000 from the sector. As the CTF recognized but not funded, we have are unable to provide this amount. We need your financial assistance. The money will allow us to pursue our objective of teaching science in our region. Outside the major centers, the CTF is the only science and palaeontology museum in our region that presents and exhibits fossils.

Community Benefit

Through interest in science, give rise to scientific vocations in our youth;and our regional and national pride for our treasures.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 55,000 Completely modernize the CTF
$ 25,000 Braille translation (a first in the region) for the blind
$ 20,000 Exhibits on insects to establish a link with fossils

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