Build a SOLAR MEMORIAL for Cancer,AIDS,Rememberance Day 911,Pets,PeaceHybridtricity,Privatetricity-Justin Randall Potvin and Dean Potvin


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  • World Solar Memorial for Cancer, AIDS

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  4 stage Solar Platforms consisting of 50 to 100 or more Solar Vessels can be placed along shore line or deeper In Lake Ontario from East, Central and West. With infrastructure all ready in place on land like the Wind Turbine at Exhibition Place and other sources Solar Vessel Platforms Electrical Generation/Production output could be  Attach to grid via Wind Turbine infrastructure and other sources on Land. In having Solar Platforms positioned within Lake Ontario and in many other Lakes in Canada Erie, Georgian Bay, Nipissing and Oceans it provides a very unobstructed passage of Sun Light to be consumed by Hundreds of Solar Cells where Electricity Generated/Produced could play a vital role in supplying the City of Toronto and Ontario with future green electricity. 
Solar Vessel/Platform- By incorporating various sources of producing power from wave,Lake Current, Wind and other The Solar Platform will be versatile in its Electrical abilities.

Community Benefit

Plaques with NAMES can be placed on SOLAR Panels and Proceeds from The Plaques will go to the corresponding Charities (Cancer, AIDS or other) Re-Newable Energy Vessels can be Donated from One Country to Another. Country (Canada to U.S.A) as a sign of Climate Peace. If Peace can be made This way Peace among Countries can be attained. GOOD for the ENVIROMENT- Precious Land wont be taken that could be used For Housing, Agriculture/Farming. Provide shade for Fish and other Aquatic life and STOP the SUN from heating LAKE WATER and Preserving our Precious Resource (FRESH WATER) T.T.C can use this Electrical Power for street cars, Subways etc.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 100,000 Contruction of Solar Memorial Vessel

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